Virtualisering For Mac

Apple’s macOS is a great operating system. But even amazing operating systems have shortcomings, one of them being not being able to execute some important applications. In the case of macOS, there are software like Microsoft Access, Adobe Photoshop and other Windows based applications that demand Microsoft Windows for operation. However, Microsoft and Apple despite being competitors, have always tried to fill the gaps in terms of supporting each other’s applications. Virtualization has helped them achieve this task allowing Mac devices to run Windows applications and vice versa.

A version of Wine for running Windows programs on Mac. Virtualize different Operating Systems on your Mac. Parallels Virtualization and A. Voice effects for discord mac. Parallels Desktop for Mac. Perfect Virtualization of Windows operating systems. Mike Kronenberg. Open Source CPU emulator for Mac. Honest, Objective Reviews. is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. I tried with and without holding alt key down, from Mac OS to Windows and the other way. The Hyper-V installation begins and asks for a reboot, and during starting up of windows then 2nd step of the installation failed and rolled back. Today I bought thunderbolt to Ethernet adapter, plugged it, installed Hyper-V and after reboot I could use it. Desktop virtualization is the concept of isolating a logical operating system (OS) instance from the client that is used to access it. There are several different conceptual models of desktop virtualization, which can broadly be divided into two categories based on whether the technology executes the OS instance locally or remotely.

Hence, if you are a Mac user who also wants to run Windows operating system with macOS, this article will benefit you.

Free Virtualization Software For macOS:

In this article, we’ve discussed about the best and free virtualization software for Mac devices. Have a look at them!

Boot Camp

When talking about running another operating system on Mac, we cannot ignore Boot Camp, Apple’s own utility to run Windows on Mac computers. Even Though, Boot Camp is not a virtualization software, there’s no better software you can lean on when it comes to playing Windows-based games on Mac PC.

The software comes preloaded on Mac and permits Mac users to use both Windows and macOS on the same device. Additionally, as the operating system directly executed from the hard drive, it also renders better user experience compared to virtualization software.

Virtualisering For Mac N

Virtualisering For Mac

The only disadvantage other than only being able to run Windows is that you need to restart the computer every time you want to switch to the other operating system. Therefore, like virtualization software, you can’t use both operating systems parallelly.

Virtualisering For Mac

Note: – Many Mac users use both Boot Camp and a virtualization software for quick access and better performance. You can do that too if you’ve got enough resources on your Mac device.


QEMU or Quick EMUlator is another great software that is open source and supports Linux, Windows and macOS. What it does is, it emulates (imitates) software and hardware types and controls administrative privileges in order to run the guest operating system.

The source code is directly injected into the host machine, which helps QEMU to offer near-native performance. QEMU is perfect if you want a pint-sized virtual machine that can be stored in a compact flash drive. However, you need some patience to install QEMU. Here’s how you can install QEMU on your Mac: –

  • Download and install Homebrew. Visit the official website
  • Open terminal on Mac
  • Type “$ brew install qemu” in the terminal

Further, get an image file of the operating system you want to use on Mac (you can find it online) and run it until you’re bored!

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If you want things to be simple, use VMWare. The free version of VMWare allows its users to run all major operating systems on your Mac machine. VMWare is pretty old and popular in the game and hence over time evolved a lot according to user requirements. It offers three versions: The Free VMWare Workstation Player, VMWare Fusion ($79.99) and VMWare Workstation ($249.99).

The paid versions are generally used by professionals. But if you’re a home user, VMWare Free can cater your needs. Popular operating systems such as Linux and Windows are efficiently supported by VMWare.

The software is user-friendly and installs conveniently unlike QEMU. You can seamlessly switch the operating systems and can be called as one of the most dependable options available out there.


VirtualBox is a skillful virtualization application that is entirely free! Yes, the source code of the software is owned by Oracle. VirtualBox is a powerful software that offers smooth switching capabilities on macOS. The software can be quickly installed and supports all major operating systems.

VirtualBox comes together with software packages that are specially created to benefit users to transfer files between the host and the guest operating systems. The program offers laudable hardware support, multi-screen resolution, 3D virtualization and many other features. Basically, VirtualBox deserves a thumbs up when it comes to the number of features for no money at all. Click here to download VirtualBox.

These are the best free Mac software that are stable and can be used to deploy various operating systems on your Mac. Use them and share your experience in the comments section below. Also, do not hesitate to ask any questions related to installation or usage.

What Do You Think?

Här går jag snabbt igenom saker jag uppmärksammer med installation- och konfigurationsprocessen, samt länkar till relevant dokumentation.

Observera att jag i skrivande stund använder Kimchi som gränssnitt till libvirt, vilket betyder att guiden här mest täcker saker som Kimchi inte sköter åt mig redan.

Eftersom all libvirt konfiguration är i XML så är det himla smidigt att ha något form av gränssnitt. T.ex. oVirt eller Kimchi.


Starta tjänst


Härifrån och neråt kan det vara intressant att prova ett gränssnitt som sköter virtualisering åt dig, t.ex. Kimchi som du kan läsa mer om här.

Virsh är verktyget som används för att göra i princip alla ändringar av din KVM hostingmiljö.

  • Nätverk
  • Lagring
  • Konsoll
  • Bootenhet
  • osv.




Bryggade nätverk är den typ jag föredrar hemma, så att alla gäster får IP från mitt LAN och uppför sig som nya maskiner i mitt LAN. Det kräver att du bryggar ett fysiskt nätverkskort till en virtuell brygga.

Här är ett exempel där mitt fysiska nätverkskort heter enp2s0.

Filen /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp2s0.

Och filen för bryggan ser ut så här.

Men observera att använder du ett system som Kimchi så skapas bryggan åt dig och det kan faktiskt bli fel om du redan har en brygga fördefinierad. I mitt fall valde jag att låta Kimchi använda virbr1 så den fick lägga upp allt, då skapas inga filer under /etc/sysconfig heller.

Statisk DHCP-utdelning för VM

OBS detta är bara aktuellt om du använder NAT-typen av nätverk för gäster.

Finns ett nätverk redan skapat så kan detta göras enkelt med virsh net-update. Här är ett par exempel.

Det ser lite rörigt ut men argumentet med XML data kan även peka till en fil som innehåller datan och ser lite snyggare ut.

Detta resulterar i ändrade filer under /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq, den dnsmasq-instansen styrs ej av din vanliga dnsmasq.service unit.

Läs mer i virsh manualen.



Hemma från mitt Synology NAS när jag konfigurerar en iSCSI LUN till libvirt så visas alla som fulla, alltså 100% nyttjad kapacitet. Jag vet inte om det är specifikt för Synology, eller libvirt, men det är bara att fortsätta. När du väl börjar installera ett OS på din VM så kommer du inte stöta på några problem.

Även Kimchi kommer fortsätta visa 100% full på iSCSI luns, trots att VMs körs på dem.

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Last update: June 22, 2020