How To Spawn Items In Scp Containment Breach


SCP - Containment Breach (found here) is an independently developed Survival Horror game based on the SCP Foundation wiki, and spin-off of SCP-087-B. Many of the tropes which apply to individual SCPs naturally apply here, too. You take on the role of a D-Class personnel, designated D-9341, who is assigned to an experiment with SCP-173. Breach revolves around the SCP Foundation's Site 19, and those inside. One day the SCPs kept in the facility breach their containment. This is where the game mode starts. There are five classes (SCP, Class D, MTF, Researchers and CI) with different roles in each class. Your goals will depend on your class and your own preferences.

Welcome to the SCP – Containment Breach Wiki, the official database of over 2,234 pages and counting! Feel free to edit or add to any of our pages!

This is the first EP of the 'How To' series, I hope this helped you a lot! I will be approving my quality and recorder. This is the first EP of the 'How To' series, I hope this helped you a lot! I will be approving my quality and recorder.

SCP - Containment Breach is a free indie survival horror game based on the stories from the SCP Wiki. The game follows subject D-9341, a Class-D test subject who is forced to survive when the facility undergoes a containment breach. Your goal is to make it out of the facility, although your chances are extremely low. Along the way you will encounter several SCPs which can either aid or hinder your progress, find items to ease your escape, and find clues as to who (or what?) is responsible for the containment breach.

The current version is v1.3.11.
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Gameplay Elements





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Welcome to the SCP – Containment Breach Wiki, the official database of over 2,234 pages and counting! Feel free to edit or add to any of our pages!

SCP - Containment Breach is a free indie survival horror game based on the stories from the SCP Wiki. The game follows subject D-9341, a Class-D test subject who is forced to survive when the facility undergoes a containment breach. Your goal is to make it out of the facility, although your chances are extremely low. Along the way you will encounter several SCPs which can either aid or hinder your progress, find items to ease your escape, and find clues as to who (or what?) is responsible for the containment breach.
The current version is v1.3.11.

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Scp containment breach item list

Retrieved from ''
Item numberObject classAdded inEffects
SCP-008v0.7A prion which causes its victims to turn into zombies.
v0.7When within range of the composition, forcibly draws the victim towards itself, making them cut their wrist in an attempt to finish it using their own blood.
SCP-035v0.9A mask capable of transferring its conscious onto any victim which wears it. In this instance it is worn by a scientist in its containment chamber. Offers the player freedom in exchange for its release.
v0.7Capable of killing a victim with the touch of its hand. Performs surgery on the victim afterwards to turn them into SCP-049-2.
SCP-066v1.0Produces random effects and behaviors with no visible pattern. Often says 'Eric?' when within range of a subject.
v0.1Creates loud blaring sounds when near CCTV monitors. Attempts to halt the player's progress through varied means.
SCP-096v0.6Will chase down and devour any victim who views its face.
v0.1Capable of traversing through solid matter. Catches victims and takes them to its Pocket Dimension.
SCP-148v0.9Can be combined with the gas mask, ballistic vest or hazmat suit via SCP-914 in order to create heavy variants of each equipment.
v0.1Capable of moving at high speeds when not in direct line of sight. Snaps victims' necks.
SCP-205v1.2Two flood lamps that cast the shadow and events of a woman leading up to her death.
v0.8Grants the subject a cup of anything they desire.
SCP-372v0.2.1Capable of only being seen by subjects in their peripheral vision.
v1.3.10Heals wounds, but also transforms the subject into a shapeless mass of flesh after keeping it equipped for a long time.
SCP-500v0.7Heals wounds, SCP-008, and symptoms gained from SCP-1025.
v0.8A bell that when rung will trigger SCP-513-1.
SCP-682v0.3Can be heard roaring throughout the facility.
v0.6.4Increases exhaustion whilst increasing resilience to anomalous effects.
SCP-860v1.0Unlocks and causes any door to open into SCP-860-1.
v0.1Causes electronic equipment to malfunction. Victims within range of said equipment can die due to auditory or visual feeds.
SCP-914v0.1Refines items.
v1.0Predators which take on the voice of their previous victims to lure prey.
SCP-966v1.2Humanoid entities that are only visible when using the night vision goggles.
v1.0An endless looping hallway.


SCP-1025v0.7Causes the victim to begin exhibiting the symptoms of any disease they read.
v1.0.4A teddy bear that roams the facility.
SCP-1048-Av1.2Replica of SCP-1048 made entirely out of human ears. Will screech when close to the player, causing ear-like growths to begin forming all over their body leading to asphyxiation.
v1.1If touched the victim will enter a dissociative fugue, psychogenic state and adopt the identity and memories of a random human being.
SCP-1162v1.3If reached in to, the subject can retrieve various items.
v1.3If worn the subject will be teleported to a different dimension.
SCP-420-Jv0.1High intensity narcotic. Stops blood loss and nausea.
v0.1A face which manifests in toilets.
Anomalous DucksNot Specifiedv0.6Duckies!!

Referenced SCPs

These are SCPs which have been mentioned in the game but are not seen in-game. Keil mdk arm crack for idm.

Item numberObject classAppearance
SCP-055The ending screen checklist contains a 'Recontained SCP-055' task which is always checked off. This implies that D-9341 had encountered SCP-055 and re-contained it before forgetting the encounter.
A heavily redacted document regarding recovered materials from SCP-093 can be found.
SCP-132-ARCMentioned in the document found inside the control room for SCP-035's containment chamber.

See also

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