Apache Ofbiz Installation Windows 10

Here I am providing an initial setup process and basic configuration options for the OFBiz.

You can get up and running quickly by downloading the OFBiz Complete distribution and following some simple instructions :


A. Tools Installation:

1. Download and install the Java 1.4 or higher (not the JRE, you need the full SDK) from Sun's Java (J2SE) site, and make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to this JDK after installation.

I'd like to install OfBiz at /opt/. I understand both will be using port 80. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 (yes not updated).I pre installed my java 6. Can my apache2 ( installation ) & apache OFBIZ run simultaneously. Or there's a way to run OFBIZ under apache2. I hope I make sense. Great help if you can point me to the right direction. Apache OFBiz is an open source, Java based web framework that provides enterprise-wide ERP / CRM platform for businesses that want to manage their customers relationships and employees. OFBiz is very flexible comes with a wide range of modules, including Accounting, Order Management & E-Commerce, Warehousing and Inventory and many more right out of the box. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the protocol used by OFBiz to provide secure communications between browser clients and OFBiz webapps.Through SSL, secure communication sessions are enabled by using public and private keys to encrypt and decrypt messages on a user-by-user basis. Apache OFBiz News - March 2017. Apache OFBiz News March 2017 Welcome to our regular monthly round-up of OFBiz news. This month we have news about some new OFBiz tutorials on Youtube, we publish our first blog contributions from the community, work continues on our website, the community decides to remove hot-deploy and we welcome another new committer to the project. Step 2: Install and Configure Apache OFBiz Now that Java is installed and configured, run the commands below to download the latest version of Apache OFBiz At the time of this writing, the latest version is 16.11.05.

2. You will also need Ant 1.6 or higher version.

B. OFBiz Installation:

3. Download the OFBiz release archive and unzip it in the directory of your choice.

Apache Ofbiz Demo

4. Now run'ant run-install' command in the OFBiz home directory (the directory where you installed OFBiz). This will load only the basic “demo” and “seed” data. Seed Data is data that an application requires in order to run. The demo data has additional data setups of your company

C. Running OFBiz:

5. There are various ways to run OFBiz :-

Start OFBiz with embedded Tomcat by going into the ofbiz directory and then running 'startofbiz.bat' (or '%JAVA_HOME%binjava -jar ofbiz.jar') for Windows, or './startofbiz.sh'(or '$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ofbiz.jar') for Linux/Unix.

6. Open your web browser and goto,https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/main.This is a secured site notice the (s), https. Since we have not setup the certificate it will give a warning, say YES.

7. Login as “admin” with the password “ofbiz”. This will give you complete control over the administration of the site.

Additional Information :

D. DataBase Setup:

8. By default OFBiz includes and is configured for an embedded Java database called Derby.

- If you don't want to use the embedded Derby database then install your database of choice.

- If necessary, put the correct JDBC driver in:

${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/lib/jdbc

Ofbiz Manufacturing


- To setup the Entity Engine to use a different database from the default Derby database make following changes in the : ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml file

  1. Change the 'datasource-name' attribute under the from the default 'localderby' to 'localmysql' or other database that you want to use. Do not change localderbyodbc.
  2. Look for further down.
  3. Change the 'jdbc-uri' under 'localmysql' to 'jdbc:mysql://'
  4. Change the 'jdbc-username' to 'ofbiz'
  5. Change the 'jdbc-password' to the password you chose above

After the database setup, now you need to load data, you can load data by using this initial command: ant run-install

E. OfBiz Configuration:Windows

9.Create and setup a certificate. I am currently not doing it so I can’t explain it now.

10. Most of the configurations can be left to default values. The few things you most probably would change are currency and country, this has to be done inofbizframeworkcommonconfiggeneral.properties file.

- Currency: To set INR as the default currency, use the below setting

Ofbiz Accounting


- Country: To set INDIA as the default country for drop downs, use the below setting


11. E-mail settings may be configured in the following, OfBiz files:

- ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/common/config/general.properties

ØSMTP Server (relay host): mail.smtp.relay.host

Apache Ofbiz Installation Windows 10 Pro

ØSMTP Username (if needed): mail.smtp.auth.user

ØSMTP Password (if needed): mail.smtp.auth.password

ØTurn on mail notifications by setting mail.notifications.enabled property=”Y'

Hope it would helpful for you friends. Enjoy Learning !!!